To be honest, I’ve been avoiding Substack for some time now. There’s something intimidating about posting your work for the world to see. Ironic, considering that I’ve been writing and blogging in various capacities for over a decade.
But Substack is different. It promises access to eyes that normally wouldn’t go searching for your vulnerabilities. It opens you up to critique from people whom you’ve never met but would possibly like to get to know. But it also promises an opportunity to commune with like-minded souls. In my case, those on a journey to walking in their purpose and executing visions placed in their hearts long ago.
I’ve battled with what I want this space to be. I considered moving my personal blog over here, but I realized that doing so would be unfair to those who have journeyed with me over the years. The ones who are quick to comment and share their sentiments when I’m feeding them consistently. And those who still occasionally stop by and remind me that I’m valued, even when I don’t offer them something new to digest. That space has its own sacredness that I do not desire to disrupt and provides a different type of fulfillment that I simply can’t ignore.
But I also realize that there’s another group to whom I haven’t given proper attention. Fellow writers and creatives who, like me, are just trying to figure out how to make this writing thing work. How to make our voices heard without sacrificing our sanity. Who wants the 5-to-9 life to one day become our 9-to-5 so that we can leave behind a legacy of learning and inspiration for the next generation.
We exist on a spectrum—those who want to create for release and those who hope that their gifts lead to financial gain. I’ve been on both sides and find that our commonality lies within the desire to do what feels good for our souls. I also find that many of us have the same struggles and queries—from how to discover our voice, find inspiration, and overcome imposter syndrome to how to make a career out of writing, operate as a respectable business, and build our brands.
Over the years, I’ve been asked many questions that deserve their own dedicated space. After a conversation with a fellow Substacker and a good friend of mine, I realized that Substack was the perfect place for me to connect with other lovers of the written word. At 34, I’ve been a writer both professionally and purposefully for more than half of my life. I’ve made a lot of mistakes that have fostered growth, and I've learned lessons that I would be remiss if I didn’t share with others to learn from. But I also acknowledge that I still have so much to learn, so much more that I desire to know. I look at this space as an opportunity to do both.
I hope that you find value in what I have to share and join me on the journey to turning our passion for writing into a sustainable career.
You spoke the same words, thoughts, and feelings I have about my own Substack journey. 🖤